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Aim & Scope

Molecular systems are the main players directing energy- and material-conversions in the natural world, and they are not mere molecular aggregations. In the case of biological systems, we find complicated and dynamic behaviors of protein molecules, which are assembled and then interact further with other macromolecules under heterogeneous conditions. There is still no universal and straightforward way to visualize those structures, because the composition and stoichiometry in the system often change in a time-dependent manner.

Small-angle scattering is one of the effective analytical tools for hierarchical bio-molecular systems, providing size and shape information from sub-nanometer to micrometer in real-time. In this conference, the fundamentals of the solution scattering will be first overviewed, and then recent applications of x-ray/neutron solution scattering to the molecular system sciences will be shared with life-science students/researchers in mind. Furthermore, the organizers would like to provide an opportunity to think about an East Asian SAS community through discussions with the leading scientists invited from Taiwan and Korea SAS communities (SESSION 2).



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