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Welcome Message

We welcome you to The 79th Okazaki Conference: Synthetic, Biological, and Hybrid Molecular Engines held on August 31st - September 2nd, 2018 in Okazaki, Japan.

The Okazaki conference has been one of the most important activities of the Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), with the origin back to its foundation.

This year, the topic is "Molecular Engines", molecular machines converting energy. In this conference, common principles of synthetic, biological, and hybrid molecular machines will be discussed toward the creation of the molecular engines that efficiently and autonomously convert energy via mechanical motions.

The conference will be held at Okazaki Conference Center (OCC), that is 5-minute walk from IMS.

We look forward to seeing you in Okazaki.

Organizers: Kazushi KINBARA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  Ryota IINO (Institute for Molecular Science)
Sponsors: Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki, Japan
  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) on Innovative Areas “Molecular Engine: Design of Autonomous Functions through Energy Conversion”, MEXT, Japan

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