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About IMS

Joint Research Projects

Serving as a core organization for domestic research

As one of the important functions of an inter-university research institute, IMS facilitates joint study programs for which funds are available to cover the costs of research expenses as well as the travel and accommodation expenses of individuals. Proposals from domestic scientists are reviewed and selected by an inter-university committee.

The programs are conducted under one of the following categories:
(1) Joint Studies on Special Projects (a special project of significant relevance to the advancement of molecular science can be carried out by a team of several groups of scientists).
(2) Research Symposia (a symposium on timely topics organized as a collaborative effort between outside and IMS scientists).
(3) Cooperative Research (a research program conducted by outside scientists with collaboration from an IMS scientist).
(4) Use of Facilities (a research program conducted by outside scientists using the research facilities of IMS).
(5) Invited Research Project.
(6) Joint Studies Programs using beam lines of the UVSOR Synchrotron Facility.
(7) Use of Facilities in the Research Center for Computational Science (research programs conducted by outside scientists at research facilities in the Research Center for Computational Science