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Graduate University

Outline of Graduate Program

University Outline

The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) was founded on October 1, 1988 as one of the national universities of Japan.
The basic idea of SOKENDAI is to develop a new system of postgraduate education in Japan.
The characteristic features are as follows:

  • SOKENDAI offers a three-year and a five-year doctoral program.
  • SOKENDAI has implemented a major reform of its educational organization offering a 20-program system at Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies starting from April 2023.
  • Research and education are conducted in close cooperation with the parent institutes.
  • A broad and international vision is fostered by enhanced exchanges among the departments of our schools and other universities in Japan and abroad.


Graduate School at IMS

Institute for Molecular Science (IMS) is one of the leading research institutes for natural science.
For graduate education, IMS has Molecular Science program for The Graduate University of Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI).

Facilities and Campuses

IMS operates on two campuses: Myodaiji and Yamate, both located in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture. Graduate lectures are held in classrooms on these campuses.

Myodaiji Campus
Yamate Campus

Molecular Science: Interdisciplinary Studies in Chemistry, Physics, Materials, and Bioscience

The graduate education at IMS focuses on the molecular sciences.
For the interdisciplinary approach to the molecular sciences, IMS has strong faculty in broad fields, including chemical sciences, physical sciences, and biosciences.
Each graduate student can study molecular science under guidance of those faculty members.

IMS is especially strong in the following areas:

  • Photochemistry and photophysics
  • Materials science
  • Coordination chemistry and catalysis
  • Biochemistry and biophysics
  • Theoretical and computational molecular science

>> IMS Research and Faculty


Admission to SOKENDAI at IMS

This program offers admission to the five-year doctoral program (for those who have completed a bachelor's degree) and three-year doctoral program (for those who have completed a master's degree). Applicants are required to pass an entrance examination. Graduate students spend their academic life at IMS in Okazaki, while major ceremonies such as the entrance ceremony and the graduation ceremony are held at SOKENDAI headquarters in Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Laboratory Assignments

At IMS, research laboratories are independently led by professors or associate professors. Incoming students are assigned to a laboratory of their choice immediately after admission. Applicants are advised to consult with prospective supervisors prior to applying to ensure availability.

Five-Year Doctoral Program

Students can choose one of the following paths during their second year:

  1. Submit a master's thesis and continue to the doctoral program.
    • This includes a screening of master's thesis and research presentation.
    • Those who withdraw in the middle of the doctoral program may obtain a Master's degree at the time of withdrawal.
  2. Submit a master's thesis and NOT continue to the doctoral program.
    • The case you withdraw after finishing the second year and find employment, etc.

Students demonstrating exceptional progress may be eligible to complete the doctoral program in less than three years.

Special Collaboration with Research Students

For more details, please refer to this link (available only in Japanese language).