Daily life | Lifelines
Here is a list of information on your daily life, especially on issues which our visitors sometimes face when they start their stay in Okazaki.
Utility bill payments of electricity, gas, and water can be made at a bank, post office, and convenience store. Also, the payment can be made by an automatic bank debit.
The electrical frequency differs between eastern (100 volts/50 hertz) and western (100 volts/60 hertz) Japan. An electricity bill is paid once a month.
Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture
Frequency: 100 volts/60 hertz
Please contact the Chubu Electric Power Company branch (Okazaki Office: 0120-985-610) for instructions and apply to begin use.
(Chubu Electric Power Company Guide Book) (English)
There are two types of gas service: city gas and propane gas. You need to have the gas company to come to open the main valve. On the appointed date, staff from the gas company will visit and open the main valve after checking your gas appliances. To open the main valve, you have to be present at the scene. The utility rate is paid once a month.
In Okazaki area, please contact Toho Gas Okazaki Office (+81-(0)564-21-2231) for instructions and apply to begin use.
The tap water in Japan is drinkable. As each local government supplies the water, after you moved in, Please contact the City of Okazaki Water Supply Bureau (phone: +81-(0)564-23-6334) for instructions and apply to begin use. The utility rate is paid bimonthly.
Rules of garbage disposal and recycling in Okazaki are explained in detail at the link shown below.
Practical Guide to Living in Okazaki (in Okazaki International Association web page)
Landline (Residence Telephone)
Please contact the following number when you have an inquiry about having a new telephone installed.
NTT West 116
Pay Phone
¥10 coins, ¥100 coins and telephone cards are available to make a phone call. Telephone cards are available at co-op stores or convenience stores. An international phone call can be made with a pay phone that has a label that says "international phone call".
Mobile Phone
When you purchase a mobile phone, please bring your residence card and go through the procedures at mobile phone companies or their agents near you.
NTT docomo (English)
au (English)
Because internet connection methods vary by communication environment, please select a provider and make inquiries about their services. The following are web pages (in Japanese) of major providers in Japan.