IMS complies with Equal Employment Opportunity Law and is committed to advancing gender equality. As part of that, IMS takes following actions and measures regarding:
recruitment (and promotion);
- In selection process, priority is given to women when the competing candidate(s) is/are equally qualified.
- Period of away from work for caring responsibilities (maternity leave, childcare leave and family care leave) which has affected the applicant’s ability to carry out research is taken into account in the review and evaluation process.
career support;
- The assigned period of Fixed-term Research-and-Academic staff does not count the period of maternity leave.
- Academic assistant system allows researchers to appoint academic assistants to carry out research activities during pregnancy and child-raising.
- Campus nursery school (Sakura Nursery school) is available.
Further support measures for researchers with childcare and family care responsibilities.
Overview of NINS’s efforts for gender equality is from here.