Family and Children | Nursery schools, kindergartens, education
Nursery Schools and Kindergartens
Preschool education in Japan can be devided into two types, nursery schools and kindergartens. Nursery schools are run under jurisdiction of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, while kindergartens under jurisdiction of MEXT (Ministry of Education、Culture、Sports、Science and Technology). In nursery schools, infants and children before entering the elementary schools can be cared for. Children aged 3-5 can enter the kindergartens. You may visit a nursery school or kindergarten to enroll your child. In addition, our institute has "Sakura Hoikuen" nursery school in Myodaiji campus for staff's children.
The system of Japanes education has elementary (age 6 - 12), junior high (12 - 15), high (15 - 18) schools and universities (18 -). Elementary and junior high schools are mandatory and basically free of charge. Japanese school year begins in April. The entrance formalities of mandatory educations can be done at municipal offices.
Japanese class
Libra International Community Center Japanese class
Resource room for overseas schoolchildren, Aichi University of Education (Japanese)
Here is a list of subsidies to Families with Children
A) Providing a lump sum allowance for childbirth and nursing
If the expectant mother or her spouse is a member of a public health insurance in Japan, a lump sum allowance for childbirth and nursing will be provided. (Application is necessary.)
B) Health checks and vaccinations (Free of charge)
When you submit the birth registration, the ward office will then mail a notification, so please have the health check or vaccination at the designated medical office or place.
C) Child Allowance
If a family who is registered has a child 12 and under, a ward office may provide child allowance to the guardian. (Application is necessary, and there is an income limitation) For details, please contact your local government office.
D) Infants'and Children's Medical Expenses Aid System
Some families who join the public health insurance scheme in Japan may be provided aid for infants' medical expenses (hospital admission or visit) from the local government. In Okazaki, the medical expense aid is valid until the end of fiscal year when your child becomes 15.