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Graduate University

Syllabus: Department of Structural Molecular Science

※Lecture subjects (2022)

Subject Credit Content of subject  

Structural Photo-Molecular
2 The basic frameworks of various spectroscopic methods such as laser spectroscopy, nonlinear and time-resolved spectroscopy and microscopic methods, for investigation of structures and dynamics of small molecules to molecular assemblies are overviewed. Examples of applications of those methods for understanding/control of materials functionalities are also introduced. Hiromi Okamoto

Materials Chemistry 2 The basic concept of structure-property relationship in organic/inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, and solid-state physics and relevant experimental methods are overviewed. Actual examples of structural analysis, physical property measurement, and elucidation of functional activation mechanisms based on spectroscopic and surface science methods are also introduced. Hikaru Kuramochi

Takashi Kumagai
20DSM004** Structural Biomolecular Science 2 The molecular mechanisms of various biological processes will be lectured in this course. Especially, the molecular mechanisms of the following topics will be provided: Structure and function of proteins, DNA replication, transcription and translation of DNA, cellular homeostasis, biological energy conversion such as respiration and photosynthesis, biological metabolism and some recent research topics.

Shigetoshi Aono

Nobuyasu Koga

20DSM005** Fundamental Electronic Physics 2 Lecture on characteristics of crystal and electronic structures for solid-state materials. The methods of X-ray diffraction, vacuum UV spectroscopy and other related techniques using synchrotron radiation are introduced.

Genki Kobayashi

Kiyohisa Tanaka

※90DSM001** Exercise on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅰ
4 Discussion, experimental instructions, and/or theoretical
studies for the student to perform the individual fundamental and applied research in the field of structural molecular science.
This program is provided by appropriate teaching stuffs based on the research subject of the individual student.
※90DSM002** Exercise on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅱ
※90DSM003** Exercise on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅲ
※90DSM004** Exercise on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅳ
※90DSM005** Exercise on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅴ
※90DSM006** Seminar on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅰ
4 Small size seminar to gain scientific knowledge, competence for scientific consideration, discussion, and research formance, and original scientific conceptions in the field of fundamental and applied structural molecular science. This program is provided by appropriate teaching stuffs based on the research subject of the individual student.  
※90DSM007** Seminar on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅱ


Seminar on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅲ


Seminar on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅳ
※90DSM010** Seminar on Structural
Molecular Science Ⅴ
※10DSM001** English for scientific research 2 The principal aim of this course is to improve academic reading, acadimic writing, listenig, and speaking in English for scientific research.

Opening every year(First Semester・ Second Semester)
Sechrist, Jeremiah S
Members of dept. of
structural molecular

A two-digit number or letter will be entered to ** according to the semester or the lecturer in charge.