





演 題 "Control of time-frequency quantum correlation of a biphoton wave packet"
日 時 2017年08月30日(水) 13:30 より 14:30 まで
講演者 清水亮介 准教授 (電気通信大学 情報理工学研究科学)
場 所

分子科学研究所 南実験棟4階408セミナールーム

概 要

The nonclassical nature of a multi-photon wave packet is a key resource for overcoming the limitations of the present optical technologies governed by classical wave optics. Specifically, quantum entanglement of photons, which is the most striking nonclcassical feature of the multi-photon wave packet, plays a pivotal role in quantum optical technologies, including quantum information and communication, quantum imaging and quantum metrology. In this talk, I will show our recent results on generation of a biphoton wave packet having controlled frequency quantum correlations, and discuss the Fourier duality of the biphoton wave packet, comparing bipoton distributions in the time-frequency domain. The Fourier duality in a high-dimensional space may open up a new way to manipulate the temporal shape of a photon wave packet utilizing the frequency-quantum correlation.


対応者:石崎 章仁