演 題 | 「Liquid lubricants over iron oxides: A frequency modulation atomic force microscopy analysis combined with friction test」 |
日 時 | 2022年10月13日(木) 16:00 より 17:00 まで |
講演者 | 森口志穂 博士(神戸大学/島津テクノリサーチ) |
場 所 | 分子科学研究所 研究棟301+Zoom meeting(ハイブリッド) |
概 要 | Modifiers mixed into liquid lubricants form an adsorbed layer on the solid surface to prevent wear and reduce friction of sliding Controlling the adsorption of modifiers on solid surfaces is the key to smooth sliding However, even today, it is not easy to characterize the adsorbed layer of modifiers, especially those with nanometer scale thickness in liquid lubricants With atomic scale spatial resolution and 10 pN order force sensitivity in liquids, frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM AFM) is a powerful tool for molecular scale analysis of modifier layers In this talk, nanometer scale force spectroscopy of modifiers over oxidized iron will be presented in combination with macroscopic friction coefficient evaluated by friction testers.
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