





演 題 「Giving Chemistry Direction」
日 時 2023年03月07日(火) 16:00 より 17:30 まで
講演者 Prof. David A. Leigh (Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK)
場 所

ハイブリッド開催(分子科学研究所 研究棟201およびZoom)
*Zoom参加登録サイト: https://registration.ims.ac.jp/IMS_colloquium963

概 要

In recent years examples of synthetic molecular machines and motors[1] have been developed,[2] all be they primitive by biologicalstandards. Such molecules are best designed to work through statistical mechanisms. In a manner reminiscent of Maxwell’s Demon,[3] random thermal motion is rectified through ratchet mechanisms,[3-8] giving chemistry direction.
It is increasingly being recognised that similar concepts can be applied to other chemical exchange processes.[9] Ratchet mechanisms—effectively chemical engines[10] in which catalysis[4,6,7] of ‘fuel’ to ‘waste’ is used to drive another chemical process—can cause directional impetus in what are otherwise stochastic systems, including reversible chemical reactions. This is ushering in a new era of non-equilibrium chemistry, providing fundamental advances in functional molecule design and the first examples of molecular robotics,[11,12] overturning existing dogma and offering fresh insights into biology and molecular nanotechnology.


[1] The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016–Advanced Information. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 6 Oct, 2016.
[2] "Rise of the molecular machines", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 10080 (2015).
[3] "A molecular information ratchet", Nature 445, 523 (2007).
[4] "An autonomous chemically fuelled small-molecule motor", Nature 534, 235 (2016).
[5] "Rotary and linear molecular motors driven by pulses of a chemical fuel", Science 358, 340 (2017).
[6] "A catalysis-driven artificial molecular pump", Nature 594, 529 (2021).
[7] "Autonomous fuelled directional rotation about a covalent single bond", Nature 604, 80 (2022).
[8] "A tape-reading molecular ratchet", Nature 612, 78 (2022).
[9] "Design, synthesis and operation of small molecules that walk along tracks", J. Am.Chem. Soc. 132, 16134 (2010).
[10] "Chemical engines: Driving systems away from equilibrium through catalyst reaction cycles", Nat. Nanotechnol. 16, 1057 (2021).
[11] "Sequence-specific peptide synthesis by an artificial small-molecule machine", Science 339, 189 (2013).
[12] "Stereodivergent synthesis with a programmable molecular machine", Nature 549, 374 (2017).




飯野 亮太(生命・錯体分子科学研究領域)
倉持 光、瀬川 泰知(2022年度コロキウム委員)